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District P-day |
We've seen a lot of miracles this last week though. An investigator came to Book of Mormon class on Wednesday night. We were so excited to see her. She's agreed to be baptized, she was scheduled for the 25th, but she didn't come to church yesterday so we'll have to wait till sometime in February. She's so sweet and she feels the spirit, she just has a hard time retaining information. So I think Book of Mormon class was really good for her. A couple ladies in our ward have really reached out to her and they get along well, so she's already got some good friends. Now we just have to get her to church! And she has to stop smoking. But, she'll get there soon!
We've also been able to start teaching another investigator more. He came to the elder's baptism on Saturday and we showed him around the church. It turns out one of his friends from high school is part of the 3rd ward, and she's serving in France right now. He was really excited to see her picture on the wall. He's going to write her and tell her he's been meeting with us; I wish I could see her face when she reads that email! He came to church yesterday, and I cannot believe how perfectly tailored to him everything was. Sacrament meeting was all about the importance of the Book of Mormon, Sunday School was about our heavenly family (family is a big thing for him), and priesthood was about Heavenly Father. He looked so happy when we saw him after priesthood. Everyone was so nice to him; it was so nice to see members introducing themselves and connecting with him. We also had dinner with him and the Kunzlers that afternoon and taught the plan of salvation, which filled in some more questions he had. He's really close to knowing that this is the truth; he keeps telling us these amazing experiences he has where he'll have a question and then we'll answer it or what he reads in the Book of Mormon will answer it. He's also been talking to his mom a lot about the church, and she's starting to warm up to it. I think if he gets baptized, she'll be willing to meet with us. I'm just so excited for him!
We had a really cool experience earlier in the week. We'd just gotten out of a really disappointing lesson with a recent convert, and we were both pretty upset, Sister Rowley especially. As we were walking back to our car, we ran into another investigator. He came over and started talking to us, and he could tell that something was wrong. So we explained a little about what had just happened and how sad it made us. And then he gave us this great pep talk. It was so amazing; it was like President Holm was standing in front of us. He just told us to keep going, that he knew that what we were doing was good and that none of our effort was wasted. It was exactly what we needed to hear. By the end of the conversation Sister Rowley and I were both laughing and happy again. It was amazing how Heavenly Father helped us through what he said. He's on vacation in New York now, but he promised us he'd come to church once he got back. So next Sunday should be really good.
Oh also, funny moment for the week- we got lost in a nursing home. It was pretty hilarious. We were trying to go visit some members that live there, and we had no idea where to go, and all the doors have alarms on them so every time we opened a door an alarm would go off, and then we somehow ended up in a courtyard with no way out. Luckily, we found one door that was open, so we eventually got out, but it was pretty funny.
We have an exciting week ahead of us, we're going to be teaching a lot of people. We have so many people who are so close to baptism; they just have to take that scary step and commit. Hopefully we'll be able to help a lot of them do that this week. We also have a special training all day Thursday with President and Sister Holm, which will be good. I'm hoping it's about Ipads, but who knows what it could be. I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you. Thank you for your prayers!
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